Worship is for everyone

Sunday @ 9am Taree

Traditional Holy Communion service with sung eucharist, organ music and a choir

Sunday @ 11am Old Bar

Holy Communion service with an ecumenical flavor held in the Catholic Church at Old Bar


Sunday at 5 pm

Relaxed service with contemporary music and light refreshments.

Wednesday @ 11am Taree

Midweek reflective service of Holy Communion

Baptism Application

Please contact us if you would like to discuss baptism. Alternately, you can complete the baptism application and we will contact you to discuss baptism further.

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Marriage Applications

If you would like to discuss marriage with us please message us or call our Senior Minister.

Marriage Links

Bible Study Wednesday @ 4.30pm

Come along to our open bible study at the church every Wednesday @ 4.30pm or contact us if you are interested in joining a small group at another time.

Mothers Union

Meets second Thursday of the month @10am in the Latham Centre.

Our group is part of a World Wide organisation of 4 million members that began in England in 1876 to support marriage and family life. We are a 'Small Group Branch' with 11 members. Our morning starts with a cuppa and chit-chat, followed by a prayer service and various activities organised by a member each month